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This new advanced solar system generator generates electricity when connected with the right wattage of panels.


Sun is the only source of power. 

No need for charger controller or battery or inverters. Just panels.


No More Re-occurring Expenses on:


✅ Replacement of Dead Inverter Batteries or Solar Batteries and Run-Down Solar Batteries, Automobile or Inverter Batteries associated with the conventional solar system installation.


✅Fuel connected with environmentally dangerous fossil fuel generators and their health hazards.

✅Oil and Diesels 

✅ cooking Gas

✅Electric Bills and unaffordable prepaid meters. etc.


No More Air, Land and Water Pollution:



✅ Fumes

✅ Grease, Chemical, etc. 


How durable is the New Advance Meteorite Solar Engine Technology without Battery? 


✅Meteorite Engine and solar panels are solidly built to last for over twenty five years.


✅We replace your engine if something goes wrong within two years.


Terms and Conditions Apply.


How does it work? 


It Generates Electricity With Only:


✅ SUN or Daytime Brightness ( Subsidy From Jesus)         &


✅ SOLAR PANELS (Over 25-year warranty)


What can it power? 


Meteorite Solar Generator Without Battery Can power any:


✅AC Electrical Appliances 

✅ DC Solar Appliances 

✅ Recharge all Rechargeables like Bulbs, Torches, Radio, Power Banks, Phones, Fans, TV, Car or Inverter or Solar Batteries, etc.  


Does it work at night? 


✅At Night, You Can Use the Rechargeables recharged in the daytime by Meteorite Solar or connect with a Battery for Night use only. 


✅ Meteorite Engine can save 95% of your Battery Life.



 ✅ Because you can use your battery only at night. You can use Meteorite Engine and Sun to power all heavy loads during the day. 



Popular Models.   


Model No.121003000 For Offices, Shops and Homes with Air Conditioner or Fridge and other heavy energy consuming electrical appliances.

Regular Price #1,140,000

Promo Price #570​,000


Model No.12503000 For Offices, Shops and Homes with AC Air Conditioner or AC Fridge and for other heavy electrical devices

Regular Price:#1,000,000

Promo Price 



Model No.12502000 For Offices, Shops and Homes with DC Air Conditioner or DC Fridge or DC cooker.

Regular Price: #680​,000

Promo Price:



 Model No. 12501500 For Offices, Shops and Homes with DC Air Conditioner or DC Fridge or DC cooker.

Regular Price


Promo Price:



Model No. 12501000 For Offices, Shops and Homes with DC Air Conditioner or DC Fridge or DC cooker.

Regular Price


Promo Price



Model No. 1250500 For Offices, Shops and Homes with DC Air Conditioner or DC Fridge or DC cooker

Regular Price:#570​,000

Promo Price



Prices above are for the Meteorite Solar Engine without Battery that can generate electricity daily for over 25 years without any more expenses on energy supply.


Cost of panels, cables, transport and installation are calculated separate subject to your energy needs, location and installation building.


Meteorite Company also offers one month test use. 100% money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the engine. Terms and conditions Apply. 


PROMO LASTS TILL April 20, 2024.


What Can The Popular Models Power? 


All The Popular Models Can Power All


✅DC Appliances – Solar Cooker, DC Refrigerator or Freezer, Blender, Solar Bulbs, etc.


✅Some AC Appliances – TV, Fans, Laptop, Decoder, Scanners, Printers, Electric Bulbs, etc. 


Which models can power any electrical appliances?


Model No.12503000, No.121003000, and No.122004000(Industrial Model) can power Any:


✅DC and AC Appliances – Electric Cooker, Electric Iron, AC Refrigerator, AC Blender, Home & Automobile Air Conditioners, Pumping Machine, TV, Electric Drill, Loudspeakers, etc.


How many Panels?


✅ Higher Model Number + More Panels Watts + Sun = More Loads.


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